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Search results for: “Macular degeneration”

  • Eye Protection for Macular Degeneration

    Ultraviolet radiation is known to be one of the risk factors for developing macular degeneration, or for the progression of the disease in those already diagnosed. To help prevent this harm, it is strongly recommended to wear proper protective eyewear. However, there is some confusion about when one should wear light blocking eyewear, and what…

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  • Monitoring your Macular Degeneration

    Once you have been diagnosed with age-related macular degeneration, it is important to monitor your vision regularly to ensure the best possible preservation of the vision you have. In addition to scheduling regular exams with your eye care specialist, there are at-home tools you can use to monitor any changes in your vision and disease…

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  • Comorbidities with Macular Degeneration

    Macular degeneration has been linked to multiple conditions. In some cases, the connection is clear, but in many cases, only a correlation has been identified. General Age-related macular degeneration in general has been shown to be linked to higher incidence of: Other factors associated with AMD include smoking, gout, cataract, and cancer.  Drusen The presence…

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  • Types and Stages of Macular Degeneration

    Types of Macular Degeneration There are two types of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), commonly referred to as “dry” or “wet.” They are named for the kinds of physical changes that affect the retina, and in particular the macula, the central area of the retina which gives us our visual acuity, color vision and ability to…

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  • Coronavirus and Your Macular Degeneration Care

    **Important Update as of 2/5/2021 Since the publishing of these guidelines in March of 2020, information has come to light regarding AMD patients’ risk of more severe illness if they contract COVID-19. Please continue to follow the guidelines below in regards to your eye care, follow the CDC recommended protocols to reduce your risk of…

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  • 2019 Macular Degeneration Gift Guide

    Our Favorite 2019 Gifts for People with Vision Loss from Age-Related Macular Degeneration A couple of years ago we wrote our 2017 AMDF Gift Guide, and that blog post still gets hundreds of visitors per month. We were delighted that so many people have an interest in thoughtful and useful gifts for their loved ones…

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  • Cutting Edge Research Grants Announced by The American Macular Degeneration Foundation, Co-funded with Research to Prevent Blindness

    The American Macular Degeneration Foundation (AMDF), in partnership with Research to Prevent Blindness (RPB), has announced the recipients of the RPB/AMDF Catalyst Awards for Innovative Research Approaches for Age-Related Macular Degeneration, which provide seed money for high-risk/high-gain AMD research into both dry and wet forms of the disease. Each grantee will receive $300,000, payable across…

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  • 2017 Macular Degeneration Gift Guide

    Our Favorite 2017 Gifts for People with Vision Loss from Macular Degeneration **JUST RELEASED – The 2019 AMDF Gift Guide.  The holihttps://www.macular.org/2019/12/15/2019-macular-degeneration-gift-guidedays are upon us! Do you have someone with low vision from macular degeneration in your life? Or wondering what to put on your own wish list? Finding a gift for someone with vision loss…

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  • What Does Bananagrams Have to do With Macular Degeneration?

    Sometimes you write a letter and nothing happens. Sometimes you write a letter and something BIG happens.   Something big happened when Dodi Peterson wrote in to BANANAGRAMS™ to ask a question on behalf of her mother, Jan, who was losing her sight to macular degeneration. “My mom loves Bananagrams and has been playing it…

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  • Macular Degeneration Cooking Safety Tips for the Holidays

    The holidays are upon us and that means lots of time spent in the kitchen. Cooking can be challenging for people with vision loss due to macular degeneration, but there’s no need to stay out of the kitchen this holiday! Here are some quick and easy tips to help you stay safe in the kitchen…

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