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Donate to the American Macular Degeneration Foundation

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Planned Giving

By phone:
1-888-MACULAR (1.888.622.8527)

Donate $25 or more…

When you donate $25.00 or more ($40 outside the U.S.) you are eligible to receive 4 issues of our newsletter, and our Hope & Cope DVD. You can choose to gift these items to someone else.

Print4 Issues of In the Spotlight, AMDF’s quarterly print newsletter, delivered to your door.

PrintHope and Cope: Living with Macular Degeneration – a short documentary featuring actors Dabney Coleman and Don Knotts, Olympian Marla Runyan, film critic Charles Champlin, and others.

One-Time and Special Occasion Giving

Every amount helps. With over a million people suffering from AMD in the U.S. alone, imagine if each one of them gave just a little to advance research into this disease! Donate as much as you can, as often as you’d like.

Gifts may be designated to recognize those who have made a difference in your life, or can be designated for any occasion – such as a birthday, anniversary, holiday, Mother’s Day or Father’s Day – or as a means to express appreciation or love. When such a gift is received, the American Macular Degeneration Foundation will send a special letter of notification to the person or family indicated by the donor. The amount of donation is not disclosed. The donor will also receive an acknowledgement letter.

Donate Online Now

If you’d like to mail in your donation, click here to download the form, or go to Contact Us for our mailing address.

Memorial Contributions

Honor your loved ones with memorial contributions to the AMDF. Gifts can be designated in memory of a friend or loved one. Such gifts will promote AMDF’s education and research goals. All memorial contributions will be acknowledge by the AMDF.

Donate Online Now

If you’d like to mail in your donation, click here to download the form, or go to Contact Us for our mailing address.

Planned Giving

We can work with you and your financial advisor to assist in choosing the ways you may want to give. The button to the right will take you to our Planned Giving sub-site where you can explore and discover the many possible ways to include the American Macular Degeneration Foundation in your plans.

Planned Giving

Other Ways to Give

Whether you would like to include AMDF in fundraising efforts, or ask your company to match your contributions, there are many other ways to AMDF and support Macular Degeneration education and research. Contact us with any questions you might have.

Thank You!